CBD oil for dogs with Cushing’s disease

When something is wrong with your pet, it can be difficult to figure out what is wrong and get a diagnosis. It can be even more difficult to know what steps to take meanwhile and how to keep your pet feeling best. If your pet has been diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease or if you suspect your pet may have Cushing’s, this post is for you.
What is Cushing’s Disease in Dogs?
Cushing’s disease, commonly known as hypercortisolism or hyperadrenocorticism, is an endocrine illness. It causes your dog’s body to produce an abnormally high level of the hormone cortisol. For those who are not versed, Cortisol is a hormone that aids in the regulation of stress, weight, infections, and blood sugar levels. Too much or too little cortisol can have a negative impact on your pet’s general health.
Cushing’s disease is most common in middle-aged or older canines. In dogs, this disease is classified into three types:
Pituitary Dependent Cushing’s: Caused by a tumour on the pituitary gland and is the most prevalent kind, affecting 80-90% of animals with the disease.
Adrenal Dependent Cushing’s: Caused by a tumour on the adrenal glands, and occurs in around 15% of animals with Cushing’s.
Latrogenic Cushing’s Syndrome: This is the least frequent variant of Cushing’s and is caused by over-prescription of steroids.
How do I get to know if my dog has Cushing’s disease?
Look for the following signs and Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs:
- Having more thirst than usual
- Excessive hunger
- Excessive urination and an increase in indoor accidents
- Skin thinning
- Excessive panting
- Hair loss or slower hair growth
- Developing a pot belly
- Feeling weary or inactive
- Having frequent skin infections or skin growths
You will realize that most of the symptoms are due to age and that further makes it difficult to detect the Cushing disease. Cushing’s disease in dogs can be difficult to diagnose, and pets are frequently misdiagnosed. But one must know that Cushing’s disease is fairly frequent in dogs, especially in elderly canines.
CBD: A natural alternative to medications
Full spectrum CBD oil which is specifically created for dogs may benefit your pet in a number of ways, according to available research and the experience of several case studies.
It does so by correcting the hormonal imbalance and decreasing or possibly shrinking the tumours that are causing the problem. The following are the primary possible benefits of taking CBD for dogs with Cushing’s Disease:
Targeting the tumours: Cancer cells do not die on their own; they continue to spread unless we do something to stop them. CBD has been shown to cause apoptosis (natural cell death) in cancer cells. CBD also inhibits tumour growth by preventing the formation of blood vessels that feed the tumour.
Correcting hormonal imbalances: CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to restore balance. Hormonal imbalances such as cortisol production by the adrenal and pituitary glands are examples of this.
Relieving symptoms: As CBD oil for dogs India works with the endocannabinoid system to restore the body’s balance, symptoms of Cushing will naturally improve.
What is the right dosage that I should be giving to my dogs?
For a dog that is suffering from Cushing, it is better to give CBD oil as it comes with a dropper that allows you to control the dosage.
- Lift the lip and apply the dosage straight to the gums for the fastest absorption. This is the quickest route into the bloodstream. You can also mix it with food, but it will take much longer (30-45 minutes) to enter the bloodstream as it first passes through the gastrointestinal system.
- The right dosage to be given to your pet has to do with your pet’s size or weight. Your dog’s metabolism and other health specifics are also taken into consideration. It is recommended one should start low and adjust based on your pet’s response to find your optimal dose within that range. You may also discover that your pet needs less as they recover over time.
- If your dog has Cushing’s Disease and develops skin growth, you can apply a Full Spectrum CBD oil to the growth.
What does the research say?
Several studies have been conducted to investigate the potential advantages of CBD for dogs suffering from Cushing’s disease. CBD has been demonstrated to be effective in animal trials including tumours, pain, hormones, inflammation, and other conditions. Researchers discovered that CBD could have a significant impact on the release of hormones such as cortisol.
So we are saying,
Hearing such news that your dog is terminally ill is one of the most difficult things to experience as a dog owner. Pet owners must keep in their mind that Cushing has a slow onset which means that you may not know exactly when symptoms being to emerge in your dog. When you buy cbd oil for dogs from Hempstrol, the symptoms of Cushing disease can be managed. Moreover, it is a much safer option for many dogs who are not compatible with traditional medication.